Jul 12

Going Deeper: From Curiosity Machine to Technovation Girls

Registration link to come. 

Transformative Program: Equity and Inclusion / Engineering Mindsets / Volunteeer Engagement

Facilitators: Technovation

Description: Calling all educators who are interested in teaching your students how to solve global problems with technology! While Technovation’s global program is tailored for girls, educators around the world are using this curriculum with all their students. Take your exploration of open-ended design challenges with your students to the next level by learning about this multi-week opportunity for students to dive deep into coding or AI and a passion project that could change the world and themselves. This program will prepare students not only to succeed as a STEM learner but as an entrepreneur as well.

Audience: Network Leads and STEM / Moonshot Staff; Key Moonshot Partners and Program Providers

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