CAP Staff & Leadership
Jodi Walker
Board Member
Born and raised in Morgan County, Jodi has never been afraid to take on controversial issues and frequently use unorthodox approaches to bridge the cultural, economic, and generational challenges of the Eastern plains. Jodi’s understanding of the complex interplay of major political, financial and distribution systems – and the impact at the local level – has led to national recognition for both her and her organization.
She has brought together immigrants from Mexico and South America, refugees from Africa, and local children whose families have lived on the Eastern Plains for generations to build a network of youth who use peer support and other means to increase their job potential and to promote the value of diversity in rural Colorado.
This work has allowed her to develop sustainable programs that serve not only local children but to inspire others. Her work extends beyond her county to encompass regional, state and national missions to improve the lives of children. She also serves on the board of the statewide Community Resource Center, Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger, Colorado Afterschool Partnership, and she has served as a member of the state Americorps advisory group. One of her favorite projects is working with a national cohort of 9 agencies tasked to bring innovations to solving rural childhood hunger.
Jodi overcame a traumatic brain injury to pursue her soul work on behalf of children and families. She and her husband run a 300 acre family farm in Wiggins, and a towing and auto repair business. Together, they have six children, one granddaughter and a 120lb, Great Pyrenees, puppy. When she is not working, she loves exploring the Colorado outdoors preferably on a paddleboard, reading and sewing.